Monday, September 6, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 2043: The Jesus I never knew.

Here's how I spent my holiday weekend so far!
I watched the following documentaries:
Jesus and Socrates
Why Thinking Christians Should Become Platonists (which I shared)
The Mind of the Demiurgos(Maker-God)Drawn from the Unfolding of Creation
Direct understanding and attainment of Buddhahood

So, a little light weekend viewing.
I got the *coolest * book today; it's called “The Five Gospels, What Did Jesus Really Say” by 'The Jesus Seminar
Basically a committee of 150+ scholars got together to try and reconstruct and retranslate the Gospels based on the earliest available manuscripts available. It captures things like how Mark was written more for the common person, full of street sayings and colloquialisms, whereas Luke was written by a far more educated person, who was a much better writer of literary Greek.
Like any translation it's got it's critics, but I think it is GREAT.

So there you have it; give me a few days off and I spend it waist deep in religious studies and metaphysical thought.

Do I know how to party or WHAT?????

And remember:
Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up.

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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