Sunday, May 30, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 147: Not your fault, but it's your responsibility

I realized something important today: many of the things that haven't gone the way I wanted them to, weren't my fault at all.
For instance, when I took on my current place we had another renter to split the cost, who left abruptly. I bought a new car because my old one was totaled in an accident. The economy turned south, and my insurance business dried up (state employees were my primary market, and California is laying people off left and right). So, it's not my fault, right?


It's *still * my responsibility.
Understand the difference? As I look back over the last 3 years, or 10 for that matter, I can't see where I would have done anything differently, and yet I have to deal with the repercussions. I can't roll over and die because circumstances outside of my control didn't go my way, all I can do is keep my mind and efforts aligned with what I want to see happen.
There is power in responsibility, the ONLY power in fact.
You can blame the world, or the economy, or your friends or your family, but in the end YOU are the architect of your own happiness or unhappiness.
Remember: either you can change EVERYTHING, or you can't change *anything *; there is no in between.

And here's another thing:
If there is something you are worried about, or 'concerned' about, ask yourself: what is the absolute worst that can happen, and if it happens: can you accept it?

I've looked ahead and everything I see potentially happening isn't only survivable, but in some ways preferable!

So keep your head up; keep swinging, never say die.
And one day we'll look back on all of this and laugh.

(Don't forget: Oprah auditions are still going on; please vote often (you can do it many times, on multiple days); if you aren't a US Resident please leave a comment!)


And remember:
Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up.

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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