Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 144: 12 x 12

144 stuck in my head, since I was working on my book proposal today (remember that?) for my 144 personality types. The process is ongoing!

I think I may have mentioned a few days ago (you know I don't reread my entries) that I realized I'd kinda taken my eye off the big picture. I got hung up on day to day survival; and while that's important, it's a never ending cycle.
See if this sounds familiar:
I need X dollars to live, and since I am self employed it's up to me to raise it each month. By the same token, there are projects I am working on that won't pay dividends for months (and possibly never); so they go on the back burner for short term gains.


If I never dig in deep and put in the time, they'll *never pay those dividends *...does that make sense?

So I've resolved in the midst of it all, I have resolved to put in time every day on my book proposal, and on my fiction work in addition to all the short-term business building I do.

In the meantime, I keep pushing...and keeping my eyes open for the wonderful thing coming my way!

(Don't forget: Oprah auditions are still going on; please vote often (you can do it many times, on multiple days); if you aren't a US Resident please leave a comment!)


And remember:
Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up.

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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