Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My new article on how to be HAPPY all the time, no matter what is UP!
"How to be HAPPY, Or, the un-given gift"
Work out your own salvation.
Do not depend on others.

Best Life 2010 Day 88: Over before it began

Strange thing:
It just felt like I couldn't get in motion today. Like I was walking through a fog; but I still got the newest episode of All About You: Personality uploaded and the next one is shot and processing:

And I got my Law of Attraction 'Master Class' article written and posted! 
Everything I could think to write about the Law of Attraction: 
How to use the law, how not to, and how to make it work FAST!

Remember when I mentioned that I was interested in looking for an Agent yesterday? Well today I already got the contact info for someone to talk to who can hopefully either represent me, or at least point me in the right direction; amazing how quickly that project is coming together!
Now I need to cobble together that book proposal so I have something to show!

Thanks to everyone who sent me their info, and if you haven't there is still time!

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it but I am actively searching for TV and radio hosting jobs; sending out resumes, head shots, and links to my videos so fingers crossed!

So I am plotting to take over the world from like 5 different angles, I figure one of them has to stick. Don't worry, once I have it all, I'll give you whatever you want. =)

B. Dave Walters
For my Christian brothers and sisters (and anyone else who cares to listen!):
My Law of Attraction 'Master Class' article is up!
How to use the law, how not to, and how to make it work FAST!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What was the happiest moment in your life?

The instant they put Lexi in my arms.
At the hospital where she was born they give the baby to the dad not the mom. I felt how warm she was and oddly muscular! It was like switches flipped in my brain, and I knew my only job in life was to make her happy and keep her safe. =)

Ask me anything

If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose?

The first year of my marriage =)

Ask me anything

If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.

If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?

Mixed Martial Arts for sure, since I love it.

I'd only do boxing for the big pay days; watching boxing is like watching paint dry...zzz zzz zzz =)

Ask me anything

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

"You can't imagine some of the things that are about to happen...enjoy the ride!" =)

I can honestly say if given the chance, there is not one single thing I'd change about anything that I've done, or not done. Even the things that didn't go how I liked ended up putting me somewhere better. =)

Ask me anything

What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?

Anything on Fox News. Wait, can it be a whole network?

Fox News. =)

Ask me anything

What's one food you'll never eat again?

Anything with 'smothered' anywhere in the description. =)

Ask me anything

Do you believe in God?

Do you even know me?

Yes, I believe in God. That God is everywhere and nowhere, mother and father, inside and outside; totally imminent and yet unknowable.

I actually wrote an article about my own personal beliefs

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 86: Quantum Entanglement

Ok, so I don't really know why I wanted to call today's entry 'quantum entanglement'; I just like the words. In case you don't know, QE is basically why the Law of Attraction works; particles can affect each other at long distances even though there is no obvious connection between them.

See that? Quantum Physics 101 at 2:02 AM!

If you haven't noticed, I feel a bit silly tonight, but I am blaming it on the Full Moon; I'll be cool again tomorrow (I hope).

I got a new article written and posted; all about how to love yourself, why it's important, and what will happen if you don't:

I also shot the next episode of All About You. Episode 29: Personality.
It's uploading as we speak so you'll probably be able to see it by the time you read this.

The article collection is coming along nicely, but a conversation with my friend (And new Los Angeles Eclectic Spirituality Examiner) Peggy Wheeler changed my writing goals.

I was thinking about going straight to Publishers (with self-publishing as my back up plan) but I think once the book proposal is done I am going to search for an Agent instead. In the past I was kinda anti-publishing industry, but that was all ego talking. Basically I didn't want to told my work wasn't good enough, but now I know my work is GREAT! The fact is some people are looking for some things at some times...and not others. Keep at it, and results will manifest.

So...if you haven't given me your birth date / time / location and personality type yet...please do!

B. Dave Walters

What's the oldest piece of clothing you still own and wear?

My mom bought me two pairs of Star Wars boxer shorts for Christmas in like 2000 that I still wear.
They are so tattered and frayed it's like wearing a skirt...but
I just can't throw away anything related in any way to Darth Vader.

Again, maybe a bit too much information, but you asked. =)

Ask me anything

What's your favorite type of flower?

I had a bush that I bought Charlene for Valentines last year, and I ended up falling in love with them. I named her Rosie and took care of her for months and then she died when it got too hot. =(

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?

What about being famous for acting like a musician? =)

Ask me anything

If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

The hottest female martial arts master I could find, so I could keep training and still have my 'needs' met.

I know what you're thinking: why not my wife?
Because I wouldn't want her to be stuck on a desert island, too! HA!

Ask me anything

Will you please re-post the link to "How to KNOW what you want"? I'm sending the universe some vague messages and I'm getting some scrambled stuff in return!

Yep, you will know the tree by the fruit it bears!
But I acknowledge you for recognizing you need to change, a lesser person would blame the Law of Attraction for 'not working'.

But the fact is, it is ALWAYS working, and always showing us the truth of who and what we are inside.

The article:

Ask me anything

How tall are you? You look really tall in those pics

6'9" / 2.05 kilos ; 265 lbs / 120 kilos.

I have Black Belts (sashes) in Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi, and have trained in a few other martial arts.

So I'm a giant who can kill with my bare hands; I am so cheerful and nice because I can afford to be, hehehe. =)

Ask me anything

Do you get mani/pedi's?

Nope, never.
I either clip my nails, or bite them off during exciting movies;
my toe nails usually break during Kung Fu training.
A bit gross, but you asked! LOL =)

Ask me anything

Monday, March 29, 2010

My new article on how to use your emotions and love yourself is now UP!
Emotions, Or, You're Great and I love you:
Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.
-Joseph Campbell

Best Life 2010 Day 86: FULL MOON!

First full moon in spring, and I feel great.
Did you know that Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring?
I won't say anymore about the Pagan roots of the Easter holiday, though; but it's pretty interesting to learn about.

I took the weekend off, but I have my plan (tell me what you think):
Going to finish my second book / letter collection (which has turned into WAY more work then I anticipated). Then by day focus on my Business Services / marketing work by day and pulling together my book proposal by night. With some article writing, video production, and coaching sprinkled around in there.

The Earth is springing back to life; gotta ride the wave!

B. Dave Walters

Sunday, March 28, 2010

If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world.
-Emmet Fox

What is the only thing you want to change in your personality?

Nothing, really.

Sounds strange to say, but I emphasis my strengths and compensate for my weaknesses.

There are definitely things I wish I could do better / skills I am working to improve; but in terms of who I am, I'm satisfied. =)

Ask me anything

If you could be on one TV show which one would it be?

Or Oprah, on general principle. =)

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?



Ask me anything

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

How am I doing so far? =)

Ask me anything

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

To give me a cabinet position of some sort, even if it was honorary.

(Sorry non-Obama supporters, I love that guy =)

Ask me anything

What was your favorite year?

1978, when I came into the world!
Or 2007, when Lexi did. =)

Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?

Going to bed on time =)

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated musician?

Anyone who got their start in anything produced by Disney.

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?


Ummm...LOVING! I love me, I love you, I love the Earth, I love God.

Ask me anything

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

Oh wow, good question!
Wow, the FIRST place?
I could see the pyramids being built, or go read in the Library or Alexandria, or go hear Jesus or Buddha teach....

But I think I'd go back and see if there really was an Atlantis, and when and how it was destroyed.
THEN I'd do all that stuff, and go into the future to get a sports almanac and start gambling, like in Back 2 The Future, lolol =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 85: Boys night out

I should just give up trying to work on Saturdays, even for half a day since it never works out, hehe.

I meant to write an article today, but just couldn't get up the inspiration. I started doing it anyway, and the computer crashed and lost what I wrote!
I took it as a sign and took the rest of the day off.

I got to go to a bar to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship (one of my very favorite things) and got hit on by a pair of drunken girls, which of course made me feel pretty, LOLOL.

You know, I am vain. VAIN!
I love getting hit on, I love getting flirted with, I love being stared at
Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!

But I don't mind it, since I think everyone likes to feel special, and I find wonderful things about everyone and point it out to them.
So I try to make everyone feel as good about themselves as I feel about me, lololol.
I guess I just love everybody. But I really do LOVE EVERYBODY...I just like it when they love me back hehehehe.

I keep meaning to make these blog entries longer and more interesting, but by the time I write them I am usually SOOO sleepy! If I write them earlier in the day, I can't tell you everything that happens, so it's a catch 22.

I'll just have to work harder at being clever. =)

B. Dave Walters

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.
-Remy de Gourmont

Best Life 2010 Day 84: Everything is proceeding according to plan.

A funny thing occurred to me: if I can finish this third book by August, I will have written THREE books in 12 months! 49 Lost Secrets, my article collection, and the new one! =O

I think I mentioned I am going to put together a book proposal and pitch publishers this time, using self publishing as a back up plan. This time I'd like to get paid to write it, not just after it comes out LOLOL.

Today ended up more laid back than anticipated, since Charlene had a 4 hour errand that turned into 9 hours; so it was a scramble to get the show shot late in the day and I didn't finish my article. But I am going to try writing and posting earlier in the day, and seeing if it affects my readership.

Look at someone sent me on Facebook, this was such an incredibly nice thing to say:

Your are a friend of my wife on facebook and I watched some of your videos, and I'm very impress. You have no idea of how many people are getting a better life by watching your videos and learning from you. Thank you for taking the time to create those videos and share with us. You are a good man! God bless you!”

To think, following my bliss allows me to not only have people say things like that to me, but I get *paid * to do it!

Made my day.


B. Dave Walters

Friday, March 26, 2010

He has the most who is most content with the least.

Do you ever sleep?

What is this "sleep" you speak of? =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 83: Longer Days, Less Time!

A strange thing has been happening:
I've been waking up earlier, after only 3 or 4 hours of sleep, and taking a long nap with Lexi in the afternoons. Now this seems harmless enough, but it ends up breaking the day into weird pieces and throwing my equilibrium off. I never know what time it is or what I should be doing !

I have to say I am really enjoying doing All About You; because you requested I posted the episode on WOMEN early, which you can find here:
Both the episode about men and women were a lot of fun to shoot; I caught some flack for some of the tricks I gave away in that video, but I had to try and help my Brothers make up some lost yards! =)

And, My new article on *STRESS* is up!
What it is, what causes it, and how to deal with it!

In many ways, being a *national * columnist is the exact same amount of work that being local was, but I feel so much more accomplished for it. And I realized while I was putting together my collection of my first 50 articles that I have effectively written my second book!

Oh, and if you haven't looked at this already, I have started work on my third book and need you to answer 2 questions for me:

On the business front (since I haven't mentioned that in a while) I seem to be on a promising path, too; I am exploring partnering with small community banks to offer some of the services I provide to their customers, which could work out quite nicely.

So fingers crossed!
B. Dave Walters
My new article on *STRESS* is up!
What it is, what causes it, and how to deal with it!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?


Ask me anything

When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them.
Thanks to Jennifer Fernandez for reminding me of this (must see!):

Are you addicted to something (beyond the internet :D)?


Well, there are two possible ways of defining addiction. The first, is something you can't quit, even though it is causing you negative repercussions. I don't really have anything like that, but coffee could become a contender! =)

The other definition, is anything you can't quit period...which is a list too long to mention, lol. =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 82: Writing Writing Writing!

So I have begun work on my next book; tell me 2 things about yourself and I'll mention you in it!¬e_id=375074669385&id=195566236144

And I got my *2nd * national article published:

So I have a strange sense of accomplishment; I guess I am seeing the fruit of my labors and it feels good!

Which reminds me: the 4 proudest events in my life, have been: getting married, Lexi being born, earning both of my Black Belts, and finishing my book.

I can not tell you what a sense of accomplishment it is; if you have ever even loosely considered writing a book: DO IT!!!
Even if you never sell a copy, you did it and no one can ever take it from you. Really, don't even think of it as writing a book; think of it as writing a series of letters to a dear friend explaining your topic. Each 'chapter' is really a letter. That way it will be easy and fun; if you write 3 pages a day, in 3 months you have a book. Boom! I'll take my 10% fee off the back end =)

B. Dave Walters

What are you most excited about right now?

Everyday I get to meet new amazing people, and get to know the ones I've already had the privilege of meeting even better!
I am grateful in advance for all the gifts that God is sending me, and I wake up every day excited about the new surprises each day brings.
Think about it, I get to talk to people like you ever day, that is pretty dang exciting! =)

Ask me anything

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My new article about what is (or is not) going to happen in 2012 is up! 2012, Or, the littlest apocalypse:

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Next question =)

Ask me anything

How would you describe your style?

I like shirts with symbols and logos with no explanation; like you know what it means, or you don't; but I look good in whatever I have on!
Funny thing:
if it were anyone else, I would seem *really* vain with a big ego. I LOOOOVE looking in the mirror, lolol.
I see how beautiful everyone is, and I make them feel just as good about themselves as I feel about me.
By the way: you're great, and I love you! =)

Ask me anything

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?

A wooden bench that I hit my head on when I was a kid (I still have the scar!)

It's ugly and old, but that thing will serve me for all time to pay off it's debt. =)

Ask me anything

If you could have been the author of any book, what would it have been?


I could be cashing in on Scientology millions right now! =)

Ask me anything

What do you find the best way to snap yourself out of a bad or sad mood?

This video will knock it out in about 2 minutes, and the article will help, too =)

Ask me anything

Can you tell me what type of employment I will find and be happy with and help people? My name is Gail Gay, email Thank you. Gail

Gail, I think you have it in reverse!

What kind of employment do you *want* that will make you happy and help people?

If you aren't sure what it is you want, look at this:

Ask me anything

Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.

Best Life 2010 Day 81: GAME CHANGER!


So now the articles I write for the will be published nationwide (instead of just locally to California) =)
My first NATIONAL articles is up!

And I also uploaded Episode 26 of All About You: Men!

You know, I was thinking:
this time last year, I hadn't written a book, nor had I written any articles. To be quite honest, I graduated with an English Degree in 2001 and I really hadn't done anything with it.

Now I am “Author, and Nationally Syndicated Columnist, B. Dave Walters.”

So much can change so quickly! Whatever you want, keep after it! You don't know how close it really it to manifesting for you! =)

B. Dave Walters

Who's the most talented person you know?

Hard to say, I live in Los Angeles and know so many brilliant people.
But I'd have to say: my wife Charlene!
She is a great wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She works hard, takes care of Lexi, and puts up with me! Now *that* is talent!!! =)

Ask me anything

Went thru a bad break-up 4mo ago. Your words and tips carried me through that time. Thank you. Over the past two days the feelings/thoughts are bubbling to the surface. Are there 'quick tips' or words that I can use daily to get me over these days?

I wrote an article about that very thing! (Shocking, I know =)
Even if you read it before, you may want to read it again to strengthen your resolve for moving forward.

But beyond all that, *time* is the only thing that can truly heal a broken heart. Yes, you can choose to focus on the positive, you can choose to remind yourself of all the reasons why things didn't work out and work to do better next time.

But in the end, time is the one and only thing that will completely take the pain away. Keep your head up! =)

Ask me anything

My first *NATIONAL* article is up!
What God is like, Or, how to see for yourself

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
-Sun Tzu

Best Life 2010 Day 80: 3 Day Weekend!

Ok...through no fault of my own ( =) I didn't accomplish as much as I would have liked today; but I DID get the next two episodes of All About You shot: Episode 26: Men, and Episode 27: Women. Should be fun for the whole family, hehehe.

26 is processing now and will be uploaded (early) tomorrow.

If you missed the message, I am applying for another writing position, and I have to give a writing sample, so I asked for people to tell me what their favorite article of mine is. Thanks to everyone who told me what their favorite articles of mine are; if you haven't yet there is still time to weigh in!

The wheel of the year keeps turning! But I have my plan for tomorrow, will be all good.

And in case I haven't said it in too long: you're great, and I love you =)

B. Dave Walters

Monday, March 22, 2010

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

In these times we live in, do you think marriage is still relevant. All i see and read is marriages ending, break ups, divorce.

Yes, I do still think marriage is relevant, hence me being married!

I do think it's a social construct rather than a biological drive; but I know that two people in partnership can achieve more than either of them ever could alone.

But by the same token, I don't think divorce is the end of the world, either. If you try to work it out, but your have just grown apart or your differences have become irreconcilable, there is no shame in parting ways. Better that then to sign up for a lifetime of dissatisfaction, especially for the sake of what other people might think if you split up. =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 79: So THAT is a weekend!

In the past, I never made a big deal about weekends. Since I am self-employed, I do what I want when I want; so Saturday and Sunday never had any special appeal. But this weekend I took off completely, like I said yesterday and I really enjoyed it!

But tomorrow (or today, pending when you are reading this), back down to it: I have my plan and I'm going after it; but focusing on the contribution, like I mentioned yesterday. Message received, God; message received, lolol.

By the way: I have decided that I REALLY want to get into TV or radio, so if you have any contacts, hook me up! I don't even care what country it's in =)

B. Dave Walters

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yet, taught by time, my heart has learned to glow for other's good, and melt at other's woe.

Any thoughts on Nostradamus?

Have you ever heard the expression "it's a prophet's job to be wrong"?

I think he was arguably the greatest psychic of all time (between him and Edgar Cayce) but I think the poetic nature of the quatrains, and the fact that he himself didn't understand all that he was seeing, makes it very hard to apply his visions to our lives. It's like the Bible Code: only makes sense in retrospect.

I also think that for a variety of reasons that are too complex to explain here, I think some of our choices and even Divine Intervention have changed our future so much that big chunks of what he said no longer apply. =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 78: A New Day and a New Life

So the wheel of the year is reset; the astrological / Julian New Year is here with today's (well, yesterday's) Equinox.

I succeeded at just relaxing; I did a whole lot of nothing!
Spent half the day chilling with Lexi while her mom went out with friends, and then had some time for some pretty deep meditation work to connect and align with all the energy of the Earth and the spring; good times, good stuff.

I will share something that I...'received' in my meditation:
You know I've been weighing how to proceed from a business standpoint, and I was basically told that the mistake I've made is I wasn't focusing enough on contribution. While it's true that I do contribute a LOT on a day to day basis, I am always planning and weighing different ways to make money, since I am self employed and if I don't, we don't eat. Not to mention, you may recall I set a goal to make a LOT of money this year!

I was told to focus solely on the good I am doing, and to let the money sort itself out. To stay clear on my end goal, but to give no thought at all to day to day existence; to do all I can and walk on faith the rest of the way.

Oddly enough, I *thought * I was doing that, but in retrospect I can see I haven't been; I haven't been worried about it, but I've certainly been focused on it.

So now it is all in on making a difference, and the rest will come. That seems familiar, somehow.... =)

Oh, and I got All About You Episode 25: Dreams posted. Can you believe it's been 25 episodes already????

B. Dave Walters

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Charlie and the blah blah blah" Where in the world do you come up with these?!? Somehow hilarious and ridiculous at the same time!!

You're welcome =)

Ask me anything

For every person who has ever lived there has come at last, a spring he will never see. Glory then in the springs that are yours
Pam Brown

was always negative but trying to learn more about myself &tobe positive to turn things around. business has slowed,the rent is late. bad thoughts creep in there anything i can say to turn the negative thoughts around? any specific phrases/chants?

This to, shall pass; or,
If God be with me, who can stand against me; or,
God never closes a door without opening a window; or,
This is just another challenge, no big deal; Or,
A verse from whatever Holy book you find most comforting. =)

Ask me anything

Do you know how to make a friendship bracelet?

No I don't!
Hey, finally something I don't have a solution for, lol

I know how to make friendships last, though; hehehe =)

Ask me anything

Blah Blah Blah

Charlie...look out for the blah blah blah!
It's right behind you!!!!

Ask me anything

Do you have any bad habits?

Actually saying what I think =)

Ask me anything

Observe your enemies, for they first find out your faults.

Best Life 2010 Day 77: New Beginnings

By the time you read this, it will probably be March 20, 2010; the Vernal Equinox, first day of spring; a time for fresh starts, and new beginnings.
So make the most of it!

My situation yesterday got sorted out, but I know how a heavyweight boxer feels after going 12 rounds and winning by a narrow split decision; just because you win a fight, doesn't mean you didn't get beat up!

I have to say I feel a bit numb now. Not bad, just numb; I have been on high emotion (95% good) for so long now, that I think I just need a break. Not going to do any hard thinking, just going to do some fiction writing I think.

Which is still thinking; I guess I can't stop being me hehehe. =)

B. Dave Walters

Friday, March 19, 2010

Favorite subject in school?

Lunch, lol.

Actually, it was English; I feel in love with Shakespeare in the 12th grade, and went on to get a degree in English from Morehouse (represent!)

I used to have bad math anxiety, but as I've gotten older I like it now, because of Sacred Geometry and Quantum / Hyper-dimensional Physics. =)

Ask me anything

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
-e. e. cummings
Unbeing dead isn't being alive.
-e. e. cummings

Best Life 2010 Day 76: Pray for me!

I have to negotiate a *very * important contract tomorrow; if it goes poorly it will mean...unpleasant things for me, so send some positive energy my way!
I am certain it will be fine, but I can always use more positive juice =)

Today was good, got All About You Episode 24: Happiness posted early:

I have been working on my compilation of my first 50 articles, but it's a bigger undertaking then expected; have to go in, reformat, re-embed links, etc etc. I had hoped to have it up today, but apparently it wasn't meant to be.

Off to bed, need to be on my A game in the A.M.; I'll let you know how it goes...which we both know will be PERFECTLY!!!!

B. Dave Walters

If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?

Uggghhh I *can* cook, I just don't like to. Takes too long and then you have to clean up; blegh.

If it is someone I was trying to impress (I.E. a girl, in my single days): I'd may my world famous spaghetti.

If it's a close friend or family I'd probably make tuna casserole =)

Ask me anything

What is your astrological sign?

I am Aquarius / Pisces Cusp (2/18/78), it means I am both, but a little weighted towards Aquarius.
Because of the way the Chinese New Year fell that year, I am also an Earth Horse and a Fire Snake.
Yes, I am complicated. =)

Ask me anything

What's the secret to happiness? =)

Ask me anything

Tell us all one thing you don't think we know about you (please)... Ok, not in question format... Will you please etc etc ???

I'm a GIANT nerd.
At my wedding, I came out to the Imperial March (Darth Vader's music)...and it was *awesome*.

True story. =)

Ask me anything

When was the last time you visited the ocean?

About a month, I stood on the shore and watched the biggest storm in 30 years blow in off the ocean.
Wind was blowing so hard I had to lean into it, like the Michael Jackson video for Smooth Criminal, lolol. =)

Ask me anything

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Angels - By Hans Christian Anderson


"WHENEVER a good child dies, an angel of God comes down
from heaven, takes the dead child in his arms, spreads out his
great white wings, and flies with him over all the places
which the child had loved during his life. Then he gathers a
large handful of flowers, which he carries up to the Almighty,
that they may bloom more brightly in heaven than they do on
earth. And the Almighty presses the flowers to His heart, but
He kisses the flower that pleases Him best, and it receives a
voice, and is able to join the song of the chorus of bliss."

These words were spoken by an angel of God, as he carried
a dead child up to heaven, and the child listened as if in a
dream. Then they passed over well-known spots, where the
little one had often played, and through beautiful gardens
full of lovely flowers.

"Which of these shall we take with us to heaven to be
transplanted there?" asked the angel.

Close by grew a slender, beautiful, rose-bush, but some
wicked hand had broken the stem, and the half-opened rosebuds
hung faded and withered on the trailing branches.

"Poor rose-bush!" said the child, "let us take it with us
to heaven, that it may bloom above in God's garden."

The angel took up the rose-bush; then he kissed the child,
and the little one half opened his eyes. The angel gathered
also some beautiful flowers, as well as a few humble
buttercups and heart's-ease.

"Now we have flowers enough," said the child; but the
angel only nodded, he did not fly upward to heaven.

It was night, and quite still in the great town. Here they
remained, and the angel hovered over a small, narrow street,
in which lay a large heap of straw, ashes, and sweepings from
the houses of people who had removed. There lay fragments of
plates, pieces of plaster, rags, old hats, and other rubbish
not pleasant to see. Amidst all this confusion, the angel
pointed to the pieces of a broken flower-pot, and to a lump of
earth which had fallen out of it. The earth had been kept from
falling to pieces by the roots of a withered field-flower,
which had been thrown amongst the rubbish.

"We will take this with us," said the angel, "I will tell
you why as we fly along."

And as they flew the angel related the history.

"Down in that narrow lane, in a low cellar, lived a poor
sick boy; he had been afflicted from his childhood, and even
in his best days he could just manage to walk up and down the
room on crutches once or twice, but no more. During some days
in summer, the sunbeams would lie on the floor of the cellar
for about half an hour. In this spot the poor sick boy would
sit warming himself in the sunshine, and watching the red
blood through his delicate fingers as he held them before his
face. Then he would say he had been out, yet he knew nothing
of the green forest in its spring verdure, till a neighbor's
son brought him a green bough from a beech-tree. This he would
place over his head, and fancy that he was in the beech-wood
while the sun shone, and the birds carolled gayly. One spring
day the neighbor's boy brought him some field-flowers, and
among them was one to which the root still adhered. This he
carefully planted in a flower-pot, and placed in a window-seat
near his bed. And the flower had been planted by a fortunate
hand, for it grew, put forth fresh shoots, and blossomed every
year. It became a splendid flower-garden to the sick boy, and
his little treasure upon earth. He watered it, and cherished
it, and took care it should have the benefit of every sunbeam
that found its way into the cellar, from the earliest morning
ray to the evening sunset. The flower entwined itself even in
his dreams- for him it bloomed, for him spread its perfume.
And it gladdened his eyes, and to the flower he turned, even
in death, when the Lord called him. He has been one year with
God. During that time the flower has stood in the window,
withered and forgotten, till at length cast out among the
sweepings into the street, on the day of the lodgers' removal.
And this poor flower, withered and faded as it is, we have
added to our nosegay, because it gave more real joy than the
most beautiful flower in the garden of a queen."

"But how do you know all this?" asked the child whom the
angel was carrying to heaven.

"I know it," said the angel, "because I myself was the
poor sick boy who walked upon crutches, and I know my own
flower well."

Then the child opened his eyes and looked into the
glorious happy face of the angel, and at the same moment they
found themselves in that heavenly home where all is happiness
and joy. And God pressed the dead child to His heart, and
wings were given him so that he could fly with the angel, hand
in hand. Then the Almighty pressed all the flowers to His
heart; but He kissed the withered field-flower, and it
received a voice. Then it joined in the song of the angels,
who surrounded the throne, some near, and others in a distant
circle, but all equally happy. They all joined in the chorus
of praise, both great and small,- the good, happy child, and
the poor field-flower, that once lay withered and cast away on
a heap of rubbish in a narrow, dark street.

Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
-Hans Selye

Do you meditate? and if so how much?

Yes, every single day. Usually at night before bed, but 2-3 times a day when I have time.
I did an article about it:

And I also put up a downloadable MP3 of an extremely powerful "Inner Universe" meditation that will help you know the answer to any question or heal any illness:

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 76: OMG LATE!

So, it's like 4:30 am and I am still up and working.

But I got my new healing program: Miraculous Healing: Tapping The Divine Power Of The Universe done and posted. It explains everything you need to know to be able to heal yourself, or anyone else; click here to check it out.

I am also uploading All About You Episode 24: (not telling the title, lol) very early, so it may be up and posted by the time you see this.

I got what I perceived to be bad news at the time, but the fact is it's just another challenge, another mountain to climb.

I'm up all packed for the journey!

B. Dave Walters

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My new article is up! Everything I know about life, or at least what I wish someone told me when I was 17: (4 Cha Esper)

How do you stay positive when you get negative news? And then some more bad news? Staying positive isn't always easy...

It's still a question of focus, and being aware of what you are attached to. Quite often the news isn't really 'negative', so much as we have chosen to interpret it as such.

I wrote an article about that very thing:

Ask me anything

How can you tell if a psychic is a scam or legit?

One big warning flag is if they are charging or not.
Everyone needs to make a living, but asking for money makes it suspect in advance.

Second thing, is if their reading is TOO good, or TOO bad, especially if they say you are cursed or something and if you pay extra they'll remove it.

They should be able to tell you things with little to no input from you, but don't expect any one to be totally right about everything. Even the Government trained Remote Viewers, the best psychics in the world only had about an 80% accuracy.
Take what they tell you and compare it with what you see and know to be true. It's a good potential source of information, but not the first or the best source of it. =)

Ask me anything

Foghorn Leghorn or Yosemite Sam? =)

Ask me anything

How is Dave today?

Grand. =)

Ask me anything

Prayer indeed is good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand.

Dave I have decided to sever what I thought was a good friendship but after some serious soul searching I realized that this person ALWAYS took from the friendship and never gave. I am tired of carrying her she is too heavy! help!!

I did an article and a video about this very thing:

I'd say first and foremost, decide if you have the makings of a real friendship or not. Or, if you really only have shared experiences as a connection.

Interestingly enough, the BEST way to 'free' yourself from the people who are weighing you down is to work even harder on improving *yourself*; as you start to change, and shine brighter and brighter, you'll find the people who are unwilling to grow with you will naturally start to fall away. Which creates room for new, better, and more fulfilling relationships! =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 75: *EARTHQUAKE!!! *

So I'm sleeping last night, and around 4 am I wake up to a sound like an explosion that shook the whole house!

Apparently, there as a 4.4 sized earthquake, that by the time it hit us seemed to last for all of 5 seconds. Strange, since there was a time I was TERRIFIED of earthquakes, but after I was in a couple I realized it's no big deal. Kinda fun in a weird sort of way, but I can imagine how the bigger ones like what hit Haiti and Chile are no fun at all.

Not surprisingly, I had some trouble getting back to sleep after that so my day got started on weird foot. And, natural disasters aside, I still got All About You episode 23 shot and uploaded:

And I also got a new article written on communication and how to be better at it:

So all in all, another good day. Oh, and thanks to everyone who weighed in on yesterday's question; I think I have a pretty good idea what I need to do now. =)

B. Dave Walters

Youhave quite a skill, Dave. I'm not as well skilled and am like a sponge with my family and friends;meaning that I seem to absorb all of the negative energy and feelings they release when sharing or needing my listening ears. How do I block that energy?

I understand, I used to have a similar problem!
I would say, if you have people who need you to listen so they can release what is bothering them so they can move on, then that is good, healthy, and necessary.
But if they *only* want to complain without taking any action in their lives, you have to tell them that you are here to listen if they want to get over it, but NOT if they just want to complain!

Not only that, it isn't what happens to us that bothers us, it is what we make those things *mean* that bothers us. When people voice their frustrations to me, it doesn't bother me because I know they are trying their hardest, and I am going to help them fix things.
Listen to the ones who want help, but gently guide them to figuring out the solution; tell the ones who just want to complain to come back when they are ready to start working on a solution!

Ask me anything

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My new article on how to get people to listen to you, how to really hear them, and how to communicate effectively is up!

How do you block out negative people and negative situations that you have to be around?

"Be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Plato
First and foremost, I'd suggest you stop thinking of them as 'negative' at all; the fact of the matter is people do what they do. No more, no less. For the most part, they aren't out to 'get' you, they are just caught up in their own baggage and struggles. I did an article and video about this very thing:

Ask me anything

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
-Sun Tzu

What should you do if youre unhappy at your job but are afraid to leave because of the job market?

I'd say don't let go of one branch until you grab a hold of the next one, because it's tough out there!

Like always, first thing is decide exactly what you WANT, not just what you think you can do, and then make a plan to make it happen. If you need training, take the time to get training; if not, start putting out resumes. Once you get a bite at a better job, you can leave the current one.

Of course, you can always start your own business, which is what I suggest; I did an audio program about how easy that really is:

Ask me anything

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have a sister who is 6 years older than I am, a step brother who is the same age as I am (well, I am 6 months older), and a half sister who is 15 years younger than I am.

So if I had an adopted sibling I'd have it all, =)

Ask me anything

Fall Back or Spring Forward?

Down, forward, back, back, high kick. =)
(Hopefully you get that, hehehe. =)

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 74: 12 to 12 From Monday To Sunday

So...I work a lot. A LOT.
Like it's weird to me to go out to the mall and just walk around sometimes, I guess since I have Lexi here with me to have fun all day while I am (trying to) work makes it seem less difficult. And the fact that I love it helps quite a bit, too.

This day FLEW by; I have to get around to making those hard choices I mentioned before.

Tell me what you think:
Coaching and working with individual clients through my books, etc is more fulfilling, and potentially more profitable for me, and my business is definitely growing, but not as fast as I'd need or like.
And I can't really push it much harder than I already do without becoming one of the types of 'coaches' out there that I don't really like.


Focus more effort on the Business Services side of my business. Less fun, less profitable, but arguably easier to generate clients. I did it before and wasn't in love with it, but the fact of the matter is it doesn't matter if I am the world's most happy and fulfilled homeless Coach!

Normally I am answering questions, now it is my turn to listen: what do you think I should do?

B. Dave Walters <-- trey songz ex girl & she dances for chris brown and pleasure p !! she hella cool :)

Can you restate this in the form of a question, like on Jeopardy? =)

Ask me anything

If you like my articles, and want to make some $$$ writing your own, here is how to get started with the!

Monday, March 15, 2010

My new article on how to know what real success, what it is not, and how to have more of it is UP!:

Any advice on how to deal with negative people who getting out of your life is not an option?

Let me know if that helps =)

Ask me anything

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?

MY BANK ACCOUNT, I'd make it bigger =)
Seriously, I am satisfied in all areas of my life, and consciously working to improve. Things don't have to be perfect, they just have to be better than yesterday.

Ask me anything

Who inspires you the most in your life?

Dead: King Leonidas, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jesus Christ, Buddha
Living: George Lucas, James Cameron, J.K. Rowling,
YOU =)

Ask me anything

What did you eat for breakfast today?

Coffee, the breakfast of champions!
And a few bites of my little girl's oatmeal. =)

Ask me anything

There is no greater harm than that of time wasted.

What to do if you need the advice؟

Ask someone who's opinion you respect, and then decide for yourself...what is it that you need advice with?

Ask me anything

Best Life 2010 Day 73: Bank Error In Your Favor

An amazing thing: like nearly $600 came to me out of the ether.
Not only that, I had a check and a deposit hit the bank hit the bank at the same time, and the bank cashed the check anyway; normally they would have rejected it and THEN cleared the deposit.

So things are turning back in my favor; God is good and the Law never fails.

I do have to make some pretty hard choices regarding my business and focus over the coming weeks, since if I keep doing the same things, all I can expect are the same results; and I want BIG NEW RESULTS!

Beyond that, I allowed myself a (relatively) relaxed day; no videos or articles though, hehehe.

I'm still having a TON of fun with
You should try it! Ask me anything, or set up an account and let people ask you stuff, it's a hoot and a half.

B. Dave Walters

Every time I ask you, I find the correct answer I need ... So I asked you enough Dave, Thank you I love you

You're great, and I love you! =)

Ask me anything

Sunday, March 14, 2010

where do u find ur daily quotes?

From ALL OVER the place =)
But is one of the best sites, and is good, too.

Ask me anything

Where were you born?

Little Rock, Arkansas; February 18,1978 10:24 on a Saturday morning during cartoons in a snow storm.

One of the worst in state history, in fact =)

Ask me anything

How did you decide to become a Writer, Life Strategist, Spiritual Coach, and all around good guy? :-)

I didn't choose it, it chose me, LOLOL. =)

Ask me anything

I would like to know how you can hear you heart, how do you know what you really want... I mean, sometimes it is difficult to hear the heart, you understand??

Well, the easiest answer is to travel into your own heart and see for yourself!
I recorded a meditation that will help you do just that:

If meditation isn't your thing, then try this instead: =)

Ask me anything

How do people overcome addictive behaviors? I'm a wine lover, but occasionally, I overdo it. I don't want to quit, but want to be moderate. Am I in denial?

Well, here is the test to know if you have an addiction:
If it is causing you negative repercussions, like trouble at work, with your family or your health, and you do it anyway.
If that is true, then you may need to actually talk to a counselor about helping kick it.

But if all you do is hit it a bit too hard once a month or so, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
You might want to look deeper into what it is you are trying to bury; you can't drown your sorrows: they float. =)

Ask me anything

Falling in love with you, i wish you wer'nt a happily married man.

Don't know how to answer that one, but thank you! =)

Ask me anything

He gains everyone's approval who mixes the pleasant with the useful.
Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.
-Oprah Winfrey
Happy Mothers Day to my Sisters celebrating it today!

Best Life 2010 Day 72: To Infinity, And Beyond!

Welcome to the future!
Or, at least an hour further into it, if you are somewhere that observes daylight savings time. =)

I found the COOLEST thing today, a website where people can ask you any question, and they can do it anonymously if they like. Me being an exhibitionist, find this to be irresistible.
Ask me anything

Beyond that, a lazy day home with Lexi while her mom went out to play with her friends. I have the immediate challenges 80% contained, and my head is back on straight again.

The fact of the matter is, whether things are good or bad it is up to me to create them. I won't waver or hesitate again.

B. Dave Walters

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How do you conquer anxiety attacks? When you can't identify or pin point when and why they are happening?

I would start here: =)

Ask me anything

Am I ever going to be happily married?

Magic 8 ball says: signs point to yes =)

Ask me anything

How do you deal with people that are jealous of you?

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
-Winston Churchill
Or, =)

Ask me anything

Ask me anything!

What does the "B" stand for and why do you go by "Dave"?

B stands for "Brother", it's my pen name.
I will also accept big, black, and brilliant =)

Ask me anything

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Yes. =)

Ask me anything

I Love You Dave Walters! You're AWESOME!!!

You're great, and I love you too! =)

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

I'm lurking on my ex's FB and just saw something that makes me sad, but I can't stop looking... help?

Well if they were your ex, what difference make it make what you see on their profile?
I'd say stop looking and block them so you can start moving on, without being tempted to keep looking.
You're too awesome to become a digital stalker =)

Ask me anything

Depression is rage spread thin.
-George Santayana

Best Life 2010 Day 71: Inhale, Exhale

So, another busy day.
Another article written:
And another episode of the show shot and uploading (probably up by the time you read this!)

It is ridiculously late, so this will be a short one.
My solo night with the little one went off without a hitch; I may have already mentioned that yesterday (you know I don't read these blog entries before typing the next one, lol).

It was a strange day for relationships today; all of the Coaching I did seemed to center around that.

One thing I know for certain is everyone has their own challenges, it doesn't change what we have to do: know what we want, and focus on that. Everything else will sort itself out. =)

B. Dave Walters
My new article on how to let go of your pain, give up worrying, and feel happy and fulfilled is up!:

Friday, March 12, 2010

In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.
-Francis Bacon

Best Life 2010 Day 70: Going to the mountaintop

A good day.
Charlene was gone overnight on business so it was just me and the little one, but it was no problem at all.
Today I posted All About You Episode 21: Emotions
How to deal with 'negative' emotions, how to use your feelings to boost the Law of Attraction, and how to use your feelings 'for a change'!

And wrote an article about the Corey Haim tragedy and what it can teach us about how to have a happy and successful life:

Coaching is coming along very nicely; it's amazing how fulfilled I feel from working with people and seeing their lives change. I am kind of torn between focusing on Business Clients and individuals; but my heart is absolutely more with working with the people.
If I had one wish it would be that I had 12 more hours in a day and 10 times more people to work with!
All in all a good and productive day. I still have some BIG challenges to overcome, but all I can do is keep moving and keep my eyes on the prize.

I'm going to the mountaintop! You'll either see me waving from the top, or dead on the side!

B. Dave Walters
My new article on the Corey Haim tragedy, and what it can teach us about how to have a happy and successful life:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 69: When Too Much Is Not Enough

Best Life 2010 Day 69: When Too Much Is Not Enough

I want to share with you all my Coaching email for today (; normally I keep these separate but I want to share it with everyone because it's relevant. I apologize to my paying Clients for sharing it with the world, I'll do something special for you guys to make up for it, I promise =)

“The actor Corey Haim died today (as of the time of this writing).
Whenever someone so young (38) dies, it reminds me of how much to be grateful for, and how short and precious life really is.

Here is a person who had it all, fame and fortune, and it basically destroyed him.

One thing I have realized, is that money is not everything. Don't get me wrong, it's a REALLY important thing, but it's not everything; even achieving all of your goals doesn't guarantee happiness.

So what does guarantee happiness?

Well I'd say two things, but they are really the same thing looked at from two different angles.
The first thing, is to cultivate and absolute, rock-solid relationship with your Creator. Whether you worship a specific God, or look at the Universe as your Creator, or anything else, take the time to connect with it as fully as you can, through prayer, meditation, and learning. Even if you don't believe in any kind of God at all, you can still learn about the wonders of our world and give thanks for your life every single day.

The other thing (or way of looking at it), is to develop that same type of rock-solid relationship with *yourself *.
When you finally realize that you, yourself, are enough. That you are already perfect and are not defined by your accomplishments, or your environment and possessions, then you'll have unlocked the gates to the temple of true and lasting happiness.”

B. Dave Walters
My new article on how to find friends, how to BE a real friend, and how to break up with friendships that have gone bad

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You can't try to do things; you simply must do them.
-Ray Bradbury

Best Life 2010 Day 68: Stay On Target....

I got the 20th episode of All About You shot and uploaded!

I can't believe it's been 20 already; I know one day I'll look up an say the same thing about episode 200, or 2,000; but I hope to be on TV by then :)

I feel better than I did yesterday; the fact of the matter is I do all I can every single day, and that's all I can do. I know that God will sort everything else out; trust in the Force, I do.

I didn't finish an article today (I know, sorry =/ ) but my heart just wasn't in it, and I don't like to force it. I'll start on it first thing tomorrow.

And thanks to everyone for all the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes; but I can sum up my feeling with a quote:

Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with. 
Thomas Carlyle 

B. Dave Walters

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones.
-Saint Teresa

Best Life 2010 Day 67: Know Justice, Know Peace

OK so I am over the Academy Awards debacle; let us never speak of it again.

You know, I have a confession to make...two, really.
1.for the most part, I am always happy. When you see how cheerful I am, that's not an act; but when I DO feel bothered about something, I tend not to share it since I try and apply my own tools to my own life. I think I have mentioned in the past that I am *acutely * aware of becoming a hypocrite, so I work hard to sort out my own issues without making too much of a fuss.
2.But, in the interest of being open about my 2010 process, which was the whole point of this blog, I want to share with you some of the things that have been going on, or at least how I feel about them.

Things have been TOUGH!
It's almost as if the harder I try, the *less * things work out!
And I feel very very tired of skating uphill, and I am ready for some plesant surprises.

That's it, that is all my complaining. =)

But, since this is ME you are talking to, I can also say that I have absolute faith that forces are aligning in my future, and I can see the signs that things are picking up, even if it's not as fast as I would like.

But, I DID write a new article on overcoming depression and negative emotions:

And I did a new podcast about how to start your own business for little to no money:

Tomorrow I have to shoot 1-3 more episodes of the show, write another article, and do another podcast...I'll do one about dating and relationships, I think.

Remember: Patience, Discipline.

B. Dave Walters

Monday, March 8, 2010

To fall into a habit is to begin to cease to be.
-Miguel de Unamuno
My new article on how to beat Depression and negative emotions of all kinds!
Depression, Or, Why So Serious? -

Best Life 2010 Day 66: No Justice, No Peace

OK, I am being overly dramatic because James Cameron didn't win an Academy Award for Avatar.

How a cinematic spectacle, a nearly 3 billion dollar box office phenomenon 12 years in the making doesn't qualify as 'Best Picture', I don't know what does.

If the Lord Of The Rings hadn't won best picture the year it was eligible, I'd have boycotted the Academy Awards from now on. There is no point in watching it if you know a certain type of film will never win no matter how good it is; it cheapens the whole thing.

I'm done I'll turn this to something positive:
The fact of the matter is, those people are all living their dreams; at the top of their craft.

Since I saw Avatar I've wanted to start doing more creative work again; quite often I get hung up on all the non-fiction writing I do (which is a lot!), coaching, running my business, etc. that I lose track of the creative stuff.

So during the Academy Awards I took out some paper and started scribbling ideas; who knows, it might be the project that wins me an Oscar in a few years =)

B. Dave Walters

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy Woman's Day!

Best Life 2010 Day 65: Forced Vacation

Apparently, the Universe wanted me to take it easy today.
I was working, and a friend called out of the blue to ask if he could drop by and hang out, so I stopped to do just that: hang out.

I tried to write an article (keeping my my new daily routine) but the Examiner was down and I wasn't able to!

I tried uploading my new episode of All About You so that it would post early...and Facebook just refused to work; it just said 'this video is processing' for hours and hours; so instead of being ahead, I am behind now. (For that, it doesn't bother me since I know it posts when it is supposed to post; someone will see it now who wouldn't have otherwise).

There is even more that happened, but I think you get the point.
Oddly enough...I'm suddenly very tired and looking forward to sleeping in.

Maybe the Universe knew what it was doing, hmmm.... =)

B. Dave Walters

Saturday, March 6, 2010

It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.

Best Life 2010 Day 64: Three for Three!

I have written 3 articles in 3 days!
It feels good to be back on track with that. I intended to start writing daily ages ago, but at least it's actually happening now!

And I shot some new spots for my Affiliate Program to keep that ball rolling further and faster.

I feel like I am getting ahead of the curve, though. Every day is leaving me feeling more and more fulfilled. Amazing what happens when you keep your eye on the ball!

I have to cut this one short, though; time for a 1:30 am trip to the store, otherwise Lexi won't have any breakfast!

B. Dave Walters

Friday, March 5, 2010

How to use patience to boost the Law of Attraction, trusting the universe, and giving up being a control freak -
God has entrusted me with myself.

Best Life 2010 Day 63: Are the weeks getting shorter?

Seriously...does it feel like time has sped up?
I look up and hours have passed, days have passed, WEEKS have passed!

I mean I know time goes faster when you are doing what you love (and I am) but MAN!
It's like I mark the passage of time with bill payments; when they are due again I know another month has passed, lolol.

But I feel like I am on the right track; my Affiliate Program has taken of faster and better than expected (thanks for the support!) and I wrote ANOTHER article; 2 in 2 days, so I'm on track there:

All in all things are on track. I am just looking for the pause / rewind button on my life's Universal remote, hehehe. =)

B. Dave Walters

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to tap into Gratitude to turbo-charge the Law of Attraction:
Gratitude, Or, a question of focus -
Let men decide firmly what they will not do, and they will be free to do vigorously what they ought to do.

Best Life 2010 Day 62: Full Speed Ahead!

I am shocked how fast this Affiliate thing took off; I had one person sign up with 30 seconds of publishing the site (but before I even posted it on Facebook) and had orders coming in all day from it.

I am looking forward to paying everyone; it's the circle of life. =)

I got the show uploaded:

a new article written
So while I didn't get ALL I meant to do accomplished, I am still very proud.

I feel like I have the proper foundation laid to push forward and win the game with the time I have left.

4 months and counting =)

B. Dave Walters
My article on how to feel happy and confident, and how to motivate yourself to make any change you want to make -

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.
-Blaise Pascal
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently
-Warren Buffett

Best Life 2010 Day 61: Stage Two Begins!

Best Life 2010 Day 61: Stage Two Begins!

I got my Affiliate Program up and running!
Hopefully I'll be able to help a lot of people make a lot of money...and make money for myself in the process, of course =)

I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed; I had a problem that needed fixing and I wasn't looking forward to the negotiating I'd have to do.

And even once I had solved the problem (better than I could have hoped, in fact) I still felt wound up afterwards; it was some hours before I was able to calm myself back down completely.

I have noticed a strange thing.
See, I am always working to actually apply the things I write and talk about; I am VERY aware of how easy it is to become a hypocrite.
So as I was looking into my own own anxiety, I figured out what it is that had started to happen.

I spend quite a lot of time dealing with challenges; in my Clients, with people online, in my business, etc. And even though they don't get me down, I realize that I wasn't putting enough time into focusing on all the positive things I am working to create. After all, my 2010 Challenge is already 2 months in!

My emotional navigation system is never wrong; I felt bad because I had gone off track. I have to remember to keep my eyes on the prize.

B. Dave Walters
Since so many people are working to promote me for free, I figured I should start paying you for it!
Since so many people are working to promote me for free, I figured I should start paying for it! Check out the new Affiliates Program

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I never worry about action, but only inaction.
-Winston Churchill

Best Life 2010 Day 60: I'm Batman!

You know, most people thing Batman doesn't have any super powers, but in fact he has one: he never gives up.

I know what that is like!

I (well, my Dad and I) came up a pretty ingenious way to help people while helping me at the same time: I am rolling out an Affiliate Program, where I'll pay people who send me referrals. That way I am benefiting, the new Client is benefiting, and the person who gave me the referral is benefiting; everyone wins!

I haven't updated the website, so I'm not ready for a full roll out yet, but if you have time I'd like your opinion on something (since if you're reading this, I know you care):

As always, the board is set, and the pieces are moving. =)

B. Dave Walters

Monday, March 1, 2010

All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it.
-Joseph Conrad

Best Life 2010 Day 59: The Way Out Is Through

I got my last bit of prep work done for my new business roll out; if you are in business of any sort check out
And if you're not in business, for that matter LOL.

I shot two more episodes of the show; I kind of like filming them back to back because I feel less rushed. I actually have a pretty big sense of accomplishment an enthusiasm for the future; wonderful things are happening and are only going to get better.

Two months down, but the ball is rolling! Even I am excited to see how all of this is going to work out!

B. Dave Walters