Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Youhave quite a skill, Dave. I'm not as well skilled and am like a sponge with my family and friends;meaning that I seem to absorb all of the negative energy and feelings they release when sharing or needing my listening ears. How do I block that energy?

I understand, I used to have a similar problem!
I would say, if you have people who need you to listen so they can release what is bothering them so they can move on, then that is good, healthy, and necessary.
But if they *only* want to complain without taking any action in their lives, you have to tell them that you are here to listen if they want to get over it, but NOT if they just want to complain!

Not only that, it isn't what happens to us that bothers us, it is what we make those things *mean* that bothers us. When people voice their frustrations to me, it doesn't bother me because I know they are trying their hardest, and I am going to help them fix things.
Listen to the ones who want help, but gently guide them to figuring out the solution; tell the ones who just want to complain to come back when they are ready to start working on a solution!

Ask me anything

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