Thursday, October 7, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 273: Tummy Yummies

That title is for you, Yery!
I am enjoying my tasty milk shake after a late night trip to the gym:
Monster Milk protein powder, regular milk, bananas, strawberries, peanut butter, and 2 raw eggs (you can't taste them); mmm mmm yum yum!

I got a vaccination on Monday for Whooping Cough; apparently there is an outbreak of it here in CA, and the hospital is requiring all parent of newborns to get it before they are allowed in the hospital!
I asked her on Monday if I was ok to go to the gym after the appointment, and she said “yes, but your shoulder will be sore tomorrow”.
Sure enough, I woke up Tuesday morning with a sore shoulder.

This morning, I was supposed to get up at 7 am so I could go work out and be back home before Charlene had to leave; but I woke up to a sore shoulder, and a black dark, cold rainy morning.
You know what I did?
I turned over and went back to sleep!


Around 9 pm it occurred to me that the day wasn't over yet, the rain had let up, and my shoulder felt better; I could still live up to my commitment to myself and go to the gym.


The moral of this story is, integrity is keeping the promises you make to yourself.
How many times in your life have you wanted to do something, and just didn't? The moment obstacles came up, you made excuses to let yourself off the hook?

I'm here to tell you: you have to take big actions to get big results.
If doing the same old thing was going to get you what you want, it would have done it already!
Commit to yourself to do what it takes, WHATEVER it takes to get where you are trying to go, plant your feet, and get after it!

And remember:
Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up.

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

1 comment:

  1. Pei Pa Koa ( ) is one of the few Chinese natural cough remedies that have been scientifically studied. it's something like herb plus honey, and it's sweet, thick and black in color. If you have a cough, look for it! It used to be one of my favourite natural cough remedies.

    if your cough persists, seek professional help such as traditional Chinese medicine physicians - I have had very good experiences with them.
