Thursday, April 29, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 117: WATCHMAKER!

I posted this up on my Facebook profile:
Ok, so for those of you who want to know what I am REALLY like inside:
This is the motion version of my favorite chapter of my favorite (comic) book of all time: WATCHMEN
This is the story of my favorite character Dr. Manhattan (who's up on my vision board) talking about his life; the story bounces around since he can see his own future and past simultaneously.
I literally watch this dvd every single night before bed; Best story *ever*.
(Might be weird seeing chapter 4 before 1-3 though, LOL O=)
*UNFORTUNATELY * it is only visible in the United States =(

You can google search Watchmen motion comic chapter 4 and maybe you can find it in your country. Or rent it, or read it; it's GREAT.

Anyway I had a good day; got some writing done (see links below) had some GREAT questions come in to and I also got my Facebook custom URL setup for my fan page which is a little easier to share with people.

I want your opinion on something; if you read this far, I care what you think!
I am toying around with doing a live show once a week, either online video through ustream or a online radio show through blog talk radio.
My questions are:
1.Should I do a live show at all, or are you already getting plenty of me.
2.What should be my topic? I'd like to do deeper level spiritual /religious stuff then I get to do now
3.When should I do it? I have people all over the world, so no time will work for EVERYONE, but what time (PST) is probably best?
Let me know!

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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