Saturday, April 17, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 105: Batman, Neo, and King Leonidas walk into a bar...

You know, I have managed to acquire some pretty dang cool experiences in my life.
Today was yet another one: I got to go to Warner Brothers and meet the people who make my favorite TV shows / DVDS (The Justice League), and I also got to see props from 300, Matrix, Dark Knight and Watchmen (4 of my top 5 movies of all time, but I have already gotten to play with Star Wars props). It was like God special ordered the ultimate play date for me, hehe.

In many ways I was kind of in a haze, like it was too much for my brain to take in. Seeing all the props, costumes, etc; I was walking around telling my friend where each thing was from in each movie and how they used it; a tour group stopped to listen to me explain how the did the Dr. Manhattan special effects in the Watchmen, LOLOL.

All in all, a great day; I hope you had one, too; and if not make tomorrow a great one instead!

You are great, and I love you! =)

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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