Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 2034: The Wire

I am a big fan of police shows, and The Wire is widely reported to be the best TV show ever made,
I rented season one; I'm 3 episodes in and I have to say: I'm underwhelmed so far! I'll finish the first season at least, and see how I feel from there.

I actually have quite a lot of TV to watch; some of it is for entertainment, but a lot of it is to help me with some writing projects I am working on and pitches I'm preparing; need to compare what I'm doing to recent successful projects. Want to be similar enough to be salable, but not so similar as to be a turn off!

Today was a good day, I worked out HARD!
Apparently 3ish pm is the magic time to go into the gym. My new program took me nearly 2 hours to complete; I would say it will get faster as I keep doing it, but the weights will only get heavier so who knows.
For now, it's not a big deal; I'll keep pressing until it is.

Tomorrow we have to go to a birthday party for a 3 year old, then back to the gym (for a super light day) and then some rest and relaxation.

There's a Ultimate Fighting event tomorrow night; I might try and sneak off somewhere to watch it....

And remember:
Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up.

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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