Friday, July 23, 2010

Best Life 2010 Day 200: DAY 200!

Wow, apparently I was so tired last night that I forgot to make a blog entry!
I'm just as tired tonight, I made a mistake and dozed off while watching tv so now I'm all groggy... but I'll dig a little deeper to make this one special hehe.

Both days off were good, but I hit a pretty significant snag. One of the situations I was dealing with at home went nuclear out of nowhere (and I thought it was fixed) so now I have a pretty big mess to clean up and not a lot of time to do it.

Strangely enough, I'm not worried about it.
It's weird that something I was afraid of for so long, and then relieved about going wrong isn't affecting me more; at first I thought I might be in shock, lolol. I believe it's because I know that everything always turns out for the best, 100% of the time. So I'll either find a way to fix this situation, or live with what comes from it and create something better; I choose to perceive it as no big deal.

In other news, I saw the movie Inception today...AMAZING. I like to think of myself as a pretty creative guy, but I don't know where Christopher Nolan even began to think of some of the things he put in that movie...WOW.

I got back working out today, which was good; although I've been plenty active out on the road sweating in the heat moving boxes around and such. Still it feels good to have some sort of structure.
I also shot (and am trying to upload, fingers crossed) a new episode of All About You from the tour bus, so you can see a little bit of how it looks in here, hehehe.

And finally,
I found out I won't be gone nearly as long as I thought!
I thought I'd be traveling through the end of August or later, but I'll actually be back home from August 7 for at least a month or more, so that's great, too!

OK, fatigue is catching up to me so I'm not sure if this is making any sense; but I DO know that you are great and I love you!

And remember:
Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up.

B. Dave Walters
*National* Spirituality Column:
Relationships Column:

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