Monday, August 22, 2011

Questions from a Skeptic; Or, practicing what I preach

This is an (unedited) facebook chat conversation I had recently, that is a good example of conversations I have rather frequently.
This person is an Evangelical-leaning Christian that had some questions / concerns about me, and things like the Law of Attraction.
I have removed their name (and hopefully any hints of who they may be) but I truly appreciate the questions and opportunity to dialog.
I am posting it here on the off chance that you may have some similar questions:

My Friend
Dave,Is it possible to have a conversation with you in private?, or you just answer questions on ask me anything?Im skeptic towards everything, im basicly christian but always had questions, but then im skeptic towards you too

August 10B Dave Walters
sure thing My Friend, what's up
you can always message me, worst case it it may take m ea little while to respond

August 10My Friend

oh well so many things
well i will start somewhere, i don't think i ever could agree with having all religions made into one
thats something you seem to support

August 10B Dave Walters
well I don't think they should all be one, but I do believe they can peacefully coexist
and at their core teach the same things, yes

August 10My Friend
well there has been discussion about this i know different explanations everywhere but jesus said i am the way truth and life noone can come to the father then trough me but then i know some translate this into christ conciousness it comes down to what u accept

August 10B Dave Walters
well there are two ways to look at that passage
was Christ saying HE is the way, or the 'way, the truth ,and the Life' are the way
and second, the book of John was written last; long after the other 3 that don't have that did he even really say that? And if he did, in what context?
so yes, it absolutely depends on how you look at / and interpret it.

August 10My Friend
yes well i read many yet i tend to stay at the biblical vieuw

August 10B Dave Walters
especially when you take into account that billions of people have lived and died on this planet without ever hearing about Christianity. Millions of others were actually killed by people in the name of Christianity
by the strict biblical definition, those people got to their Judgement and God told them "yes, I know those conquistadors raped and killed your mother, wife, and daughters, and killed you, too; but you didn't accept their religion so *you* are the one going to hell. Sorry"
I find that impossible.

August 10My Friend
im reading u dave gime a sec

August 10B Dave Walters
hehehe, np; take all the time you need. I type fast (and have had this conversation a couple of times, hehe)

August 10My Friend
didn't christ say something like those who didn't know me have an excuse but now u heard me u have not
just from my head

August 10B Dave Walters
same thing. I'll bank on God's mercy.
since if you 'heard' from someone with a boot on your neck, you probably weren't to open to hearing it

August 10My Friend
thats a very crucial point that christian cling on to separate chrisitianity from other religions, i still am not convinced to accept like muslims or budhist, when you know somethings is treu u not gone bow down to others vieuw

August 10B Dave Walters
that is basically my point: I put more faith in God's love and mercy than the restrictions people created to control the masses
well you don't have to. If a rigid view of Christianity is meeting your needs, keep at it
but you have to understand that Muslims and Buddhists, Hindus and Jews all feel the same way about their faiths
and there is absolutely 0 way to prove who's 'right'. It comes down to faith and belief

August 10My Friend
well yes somewhere i came to a point i can take something from someone like you where i agree, but i don't have to accept where i don't agree

August 10B Dave Walters
precisely. that's the gift of free will
since no one KNOWS where we come from, or what happens when we die. No one has any keener insight into what God wants for you than you do

August 10My Friend
i will talk straight with you not here to offend you, i have also seen the secret i like at first but then i saw some things in it i didn't like, like it seems to have an influence from freemasonry and they don't hide it, they admit not openly that its based on emerald tablets, some obscure object a mason found, its in the documentary...sometimes i have impression you also are influenced by masons or are one

August 10My Friend

August 10B Dave Walters
I am not.

August 10My Friend

August 10B Dave Walters
I used to be all afraid of them in the past, but not anymore
I don't fear anyone or anything anymore

August 10My Friend
so u admit there is a masonic influence in the secret

August 10B Dave Walters
besides, the Law of Attraction doesn't work because of something Freemasons did, it works because it is a Law that God put in motion
There is Freemasonic influence in the entire western world. The United States exists because of freemasons (even though the Secret is Australian)

August 10My Friend
they sure copied alot of christianity and gave it a new form

August 10B Dave Walters
like I said before, the Truth is the Truth, it stands to reason many people would have discovered it all over the world
but not liking the secret because of masons would be like refusing to fly in a plane because you think Masons invented gravity, lol

August 10My Friend
christianity does warn us against false teachers, u know this also, so im carefull
i wonder who u think false teachers are u seem to accept everything

August 10B Dave Walters
Well I guess the question you have to ask yourself is who's more likely to be leading you astray: the person who's seeking to empower you, or the person trying to convince you that they know God better than you do
no, you know the tree by the fruit it bares
but if you mean will I listen to a well meaning pagan or atheist before I listen to a preacher who cheats on his wife or a priest who touches little boys? Absolutely.

August 10My Friend
we seem to have a new age religion growing that only wants us to be happy, yet christ said we will not always have it easy
i don't know

August 10B Dave Walters
if happiness is the enemy, we are in trouble
he also came that we should have life more abundantly
how a message of love and connection with God has been twisted into the hatred and intolerance it has spawned I will never understand

August 10My Friend
what is ment by that life in spiritual way? eternal life in abundance or life on earth in abundance

August 10B Dave Walters
everyone hears the 'reject everything but Jesus', no one hears the 'love thy neighbors as thy self', or 'let ye who is without sin cast the first stone'
consider the lilies of the field, my friend.

August 10My Friend
i also tend to agree that something went wrong when constatine made the canon, and that gnostics had something, but only writing i think hold something is gospel of thomas

August 10B Dave Walters
well even being aware of that puts you ahead of most

August 10My Friend
u mix alot of books, kybalon yet many of those have obscure origins, but no problem for you
kabalah another
well to be honest im scared i might be on the wrong path there
i guess u are busy

August 10B Dave Walters
sorry, something came up with work
let me tell you something: there is never any danger in knowledge. Only people who want to manipulate you want to keep you ignorant
and yes, I know a lot of things from a lot of places. Not all of it fits, most of it does
there are also times that there are two completely contradictory things that still may be 'true'; which i something you have to discover for yourself

August 10B Dave Walters
in the book of Genesis Adam and Eve get into trouble for eathing from the tree of knowledge
but in the original Babylonian / Sumerian version of that story, the serpent was the good guy (Enki) and one who didn't want them to eat the fruit was the jealous tyrant who wanted to enslave them (Enlil)

August 10My Friend
so u believe that Elohim is a bad guy?Something like the gnostics> the demiurg?

August 10B Dave Walters
no actually
Elohim is plural; it's Jehovah who would be the bad guy, but no I don't believe that
I wrestle with the concept of a Demiurge, but I don't believe the God of the old testement was evil, no
but many of the original Sumerian versions of the stories it was the 'bad' god, yes

August 10My Friend
the jews, in this case abraham lived in UR he was familiar with those teachings, don't you think they had good reason(if it treu that jehovah is Enlil) to choose Enlil, or knew something we lost
well im not a biblical scolar but we are Warned against the confusions of Babylon thats kinda what i see happening here, all religions made one, one language, and soon one leader for the world

August 10B Dave Walters
you've been reading Zechariah Sitchin, good man

August 10My Friend
yes parts

August 10B Dave Walters
well God sent the Jews there for a thousand years for something
and that would have all happened long before Abraham was born
Enlil was the 'king' but Enki is the one who created mankind and treated us like children
hence, in Genesis they refer to it as Elohim: let 'us' make man in 'our' image

August 10My Friend
phew i don't know enough but i know what ur talking about

August 10B Dave Walters
once again, even knowing that puts you way ahead of most

August 10My Friend
sometimes i don't know where i stand and its depressing, i still tend to agree more with evangelists but then i have doubts, some simply say there was no other forms of christianity before the canon was put together, but then i can go a total different way and say what has talked to moses there if its a superior intelligence it could pretend anything it wants, we are but little humans

August 10B Dave Walters
well when in doubt: hit your knees
pray for wisdom, and then trust your instincts
if something feels right, it is. Just recognize what's right for you may not be right for someone else

August 10My Friend
i have a hard time agreeing with hell, and also no sex before marriage, im afraid im like paul said my faith is like the barrels of the sea

August 10B Dave Walters
hehehe, hold on

August 10My Friend

August 10B Dave Walters and

August 10My Friend
think i read of it i might re read it

August 10B Dave Walters

August 10My Friend
gay is also problematic subject, i don't think we should just see it as normal, but a problem that there is a solution for

August 10B Dave Walters
I don't think it's 'natural'
since if everyone did it, humanity would be extinct in a generation
but it is what it is

August 10My Friend
people with psychic illness are seen as abnormal and put in a cell and stuffed with drugs, yet gays oh its normal
just a point im making

August 10B Dave Walters
it certainly is a charged topic
I'm more from the 'for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the lord' school of thought. If it's a sin, they can sort it out with God in this life or the next
it's not for m eto judge
beyond that, this is America; what two consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business

August 10My Friend
well yes im not for forcing something upon someone, and im not american btw
but we can warn them
So you believe that Paul and other evangelists where part of an esoteric secret cult
just a question

August 10B Dave Walters
well there were things taught in Secret, Jesus said that directly
later schools claimed to be based on these 'secret' teachings, but that is impossible to say

August 10My Friend
the writer Clemens of alexandria is an interesting one, i think Gnosticism and orthodox went hand in hand at that time, it was no problem

August 10B Dave Walters
my favorite Gnostic (Valentius) said he learned from someone who learned from Paul directly

August 10My Friend
yes i know

August 10B Dave Walters
well the problem is Gnosticism is about saving yourself, orthodox Christianity is about bowing down to an external authority
hard to dominate and control free thinkers, so gnosticism ahd to go

August 10My Friend
i think both where right what is inside of us is concentrated outside of us
the teaching that i had problem with today infact and this is kinda what lend me to talk to you is the saying of jesus: whoever will find his life will loose it and who will loose his life for my sake will find it

August 10B Dave Walters

August 10My Friend
but i know we should never take something out of context

August 10B Dave Walters
but how I interpret that, is the need to put living a Christlike life as a priority
IE loving people and not passing judgement on them; serving God as best you can
none of those things are easy

August 10B Dave Walters
so it's losing one's life to service
which is how I try to live
but the author may have just meant it to be a comfort to people getting fed to lions, lol

August 10My Friend
i think some understood it that way later, if i die il go to heaven something

August 10B Dave Walters
the kingdom of heaven is within you

August 10My Friend
yes well that and another, keeps showing me a sort of more spiritual jesus, like first clean inside of cup then the outside will follow, but its like put aside ment for farizeans while its a beatifull saying

August 10B Dave Walters

August 10My Friend
do you have a writing on depression?
last thing il bother you with

August 10B Dave Walters

August 10My Friend
have a link?

August 10B Dave Walters
yep, sec

August 10My Friend

August 10B Dave Walters
I did an article, too; lemme find it

August 10My Friend
ok thx

August 10B Dave Walters
np, anytime

August 11My Friend
Well i had problem with FB yesterday, what i wanted to say, we sure covered alot of topics in short time, thx for youre time Dave

August 11B Dave Walters
My pleasure, My Friend; any time.

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