Thursday, June 30, 2011

I deepen my experience of God through prayer, meditation, and forgiveness.
-Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rise UP with B. Dave Walters Episode 18 recording:
STRESS, Emotions, and how to fix it!

I?ve discovered what?s missing....

I haven’t written a blog post in WAY too long!

The first big update is I am teaching at a college now (in addition to
the 9,000,000 other things I do!)
I am teaching Business Office Administration; basically teaching people
how to run a business…something I happen to know a thing or two about
after 7 years in the trenches.

It’s great to have a new challenge and all new opportunities opening
up, but along the way I have discovered something important:

Life is how you look at it.

This may not seem like a big revelation; especially since you’ve
probably heard me and countless others babble about mind set, being
positive, blah blah blah.
But, it really is true that the difference between something being a
catastrophe, a challenge, or no big deal is all in how you look at it.
Things you see as problems now are really blessings in their own
way…even if the blessing is that things aren’t any *worse*!

Take something in your life you are unhappy, dissatisfied, or even just
a little ‘meh’ about and turn it on its head. Figure out how to
look at it in a way that makes you smile and thank God or the Universe
for putting it in your life, even if it just means it gives you a chance
to grow.

Life is how you look at it…and it looks great to me!

-B. Dave Walters
Rise UP with B. Dave Walters starts at 1 am PST/8 am GMT
Tonight: STRESS and emotions!
Listen live at

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Habit is stronger than reason.
-George Santayana

Sunday, June 26, 2011

NOW is the moment of all power.
NOW is the only time that exists.
NOW is what you have been waiting for.
NOW will never come again.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Decide who you want to be and how you want people to see you and start acting that way now.
You have to believe it before anyone else will!

Friday, June 24, 2011

If you find people don't listen to you, ask yourself:
Are you all talk, or do you *walk* the talk?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

No radio show tonight due to technical difficulties; but here are 17 others you can listen to in the mean time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever.
-Leo Buscaglia

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It is much easier to become a father than to be one.
~ Kent Nerburn

Happy Father's Day to the real Dads out there!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Universe is abundant; you can have what you want but you can't wait for someone else to do it for you.
Don't wait for a chance: take one

Thursday, June 16, 2011

4 things you need to know:
Why you want what you want
What you'll gain from
What not acting will cost you
How it will FEEL when you have it

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rise UP with B. Dave Walters episode recording:
2012, the future, and how to create what you want:
15 min!
Rise UP with B. Dave Walters starts at 1 am PST/8 am GMT
Tonight: 2012 and *your* future
Listen live at

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"Fear is the foundation of all human limitations."
Benny the Jet

Benny the Jet was a fighter, a kickboxer. Although very small in stature he has ventured to fight much larger opponents in full contact tournaments and he has beaten them. An achievement which earned him some acclaim.
Before you say, "hey! I thought that this was a spiritual publication" think carefully and reflect over your life. What fears have stopped you doing something and what rewards have you missed out on?

Fear is only an emotion not a brick wall.

We have discovered that you are not your thoughts. We have discovered that you are not your emotions. Thoughts and emotions happen through you as a result of you interactions with the world based on your perception of the past.

What you must realise is that all of the thoughts and emotions you have

1. Can be changed to suit you.

2. Do not have to determine your actions, or you don't have to act on them.

Last time you learnt of goals and setting targets. It is important to move forward into the direction that you wish to go. I deliberately use the words 'move into' because that's what you do. You don't move towards your goal as if it was a never reachable / achievable ideal. You literally merge with it. You move forward and become what you want.

What stops you? Fear.

Fear is an interesting emotion and comes from a series of thoughts. These thoughts are expressed and form a picture of what you don't want to happen.

The ideal is to focus on what you do want to happen.

Whatever you focus on you move towards.

Just because you have a series of thoughts that create an emotion does not mean that you can't act. The emotion is independent of the ability to act.

Here are some physical examples that illustrate the possibilities.

If you are about to parachute from an aeroplane you may feel fear but you can still perform the action. A fighter may feel fear whilst he faces his opponent but he can still perform.

You may feel fear at the thought of public speaking. You can still actually speak whilst in the company of this emotion.

If you look at the pattern of thoughts that precede the emotion you will see that your focus is on what you do not wish to happen. There is a direct correlation between the amount of thought you give in this direction to the power of your fear.

Of course there are other factors that complicate this illustration. You may have had a prior negative experience which usually increases your fear. I know if you look closely you will find the same pattern of thoughts that lead to the emotion of fear.

A thought or series of thoughts have as much power over you as you give them.

It's not always as easy as the physical examples I have given. For the relationship between action and emotion is quite obvious. Here are some common but more intangible ways fear manifests and stops you moving ahead and into your goals.

Fear of Responsibility.

Responsibility means to have control or authority over something. In relation to your life you must realise that you are responsible for your actions. You are the agent and the cause of everything that happens to you. You are in control.

The fear enters when you think in terms of good and bad, instead of cause and effect. Thinking in terms of good and bad is the way you are conditioned. You must realise that no person is in a position to judge you. If you take an action it has a consequence. If you make a mistake this does not mean you are bad. It means that you have made a mistake. If you want a different result then I would do something different next time. With the help of mistakes you learn, those of you who can walk, actually learnt this through a series of mistakes.

Fear of Accountability.

To be accountable means that you are answerable to someone or something. We are answerable to ourselves. I don't mean to the self that manifests itself as your ego. I mean to yourself that is the true being hidden behind the ego. This is the part of you that wants you to be the best you can be, it wills you to strive for excellence. To be accountable to your true self is difficult because your ego is tasked with the job of keeping this true self from you so that you are protected from certain things such as emotional pain.

The fear comes from the fact that to be accountable to yourself you often have to venture a path that is apart from the crowd. This requires your individual idea's and desires to manifest. You may have been punished or ridiculed for either your mistakes or your idea's by others. This leads to conditioning that chains you to someone else's pattern of thought.

Fear of Success.

Fear of success is prevalent and is often linked to self esteem and responsibility.

You may not think you are worthy of success. You may believe that you are worth less than someone else and therefore are not deserving of success. Realise that you are equal as a human being with the rest of humanity and that no one person is any better or worse than you. You have your own set of challenges to work through.

You are just as deserving of success as anyone else. What judgment have you made that limit your own self esteem. Are you happy with yourself can you look yourself in the eye via a mirror and love yourself.

When success comes we move from an old pattern that has held us back, to a new pattern. This can create emotional turbulence in the lives of those around us. It is important that you understand that you don't have to hold yourself back to protect the self esteem of others. Marianne Williamson expresses this perfectly when she says that this a fear of your own greatness. You can read a passage from her here.(Our greatest fear)

Many of these expressions of fear are closely intertwined and indistinguishable from one another. It is important that you concentrate on what you want, not what you don't want. Realise that thoughts create their power over you through your emotions.

Your power comes through awareness of the process and observation of the hold that is over you. Awareness brings what is hidden into the light. The light shows you that you can be in control.

Authors Details:

Aymen Fares is an International Life Coach with clients all over the world. He is based in Melbourne Australia.
People *can* change, but will they?
If you keep doing what they want, then what's their motivation to change?
Stop getting pimped.

7 Lies That Prevent Powerful Results

Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Nobody's life circumstances and environment are perfect. But what do you tend to tell yourself about these circumstances? Often it's easy to fix blame on others. Consider, however, that your feelings are not caused by your cranky boss, or the construction on the street, or your inconsiderate friend; but rather your feelings are caused by what you TELL yourself about your circumstances.

One writer gives the following example: Imagine that a friend is quite late to meet you. Depending on what you THINK (i.e., she was in an accident, she’s rude, I wanted to do something else anyway), you might be worried, annoyed, or relieved. These feelings (ignited by the thoughts) will then dictate how you react, i.e., calling the police, having angry words for her, or being glad she bailed on you.

What you think about your circumstances may keep you stuck in a bad situation. That is why recognizing the lies you tell yourself is very important. These lies prevent you from being as powerful as you really are.

Lie #1. Expecting Quick Results.

It's true, we have all seen our lives change in a heartbeat - sometimes an upturn, and sometimes a downturn. But generally success is a longer road that takes daily work to make it a reality. It will happen. Don't expect it to happen overnight, but expect it to happen. Don't give up. Powerful Results come from taking baby steps, one after another, day after day, until you reach your goal.

Lie #2. Complaining is OK.

The Law of Attraction states that life reflects back to you whatever you expend. If you have a habit of complaining, you will attract more complainers to you. Or as the Bible puts it, "you reap what you sow." One of my favorite cartoons shows the character contemplating Spring, and she says, "Time to go out in the garden to see if the bulbs I didn't plant, didn't come up." Powerful Results come from planting the seeds for what you want to grow.

Lie #3. Fix It Later

Winners recognize that it doesn't always matter how the hole got in the boat. It matters that it gets fixed so that you can get on with the fishing. However, it DOES matter if you keep running over the same rock day after day, and you are patching the same hole over and over. It is important to find the SOURCE of the hole and stop allowing it to happen. Powerful Results come from creating a lifestyle that supports your desires.

Lie #4. Having an *idea* instead of a plan

Did you miss becoming a doctor, or dancer, or chef, or actor, or teacher because you were "absent" the day they were handing out those careers? Of course not. All of those careers require that a person choose to go to school, sometimes for many years; and then many more years to master their craft. If you don't purposefully choose the path to go down, something else will choose it for you. Those who don't create their future, have to endure the future they get. Powerful Results come from creating a plan and getting into action.

Lie #5. Ignoring your talents

Thomas Leonard, founder of Coach University, suggests that you "perfect or customize what you want out of life so that it fits you perfectly." This means using your natural talents in a way that works best for you, in all that you do. So often we put ourselves into a role or get so busy responding to life's daily crisis, that we end up frustrated with busy work instead of taking the time to sort out what we're good at, let our strengths help us, and then be willing to ask for help with the rest. Powerful Results come from customizing whatever you do so that it's a better fit for you.

Lie #6. Having Elusive Goals instead of Do-able Goals

An elusive goal is "save $5 thousand for down payment for a house”. There's no strategy or plan associated with that. A do-able goal is "save $100 every week for one year, beginning this week.” That's a plan of action that has measurable results. Powerful Results come from specific actions that have measurable results.

Lie #7. Adopting a "what I do doesn't matter" attitude.

It's easy to say to yourself that other people and circumstances prevent you from doing something. It's easy to think that they are more powerful than you are, so your puny contribution won't matter in the long run. But this attitude tends to paralyze you, and keep you out of the action of creating better circumstances. Powerful Results come from being honest with yourself, listening to yourself, then doing what needs to be done.

Authors Details:Kathy Gates

Monday, June 13, 2011

If you are worried about something, what would you say to someone else with that problem?
Try taking your own advice, and see if it works!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

7 Secrets Of Millionaires
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Millionaires have certain guidelines they live by - that's one of the reasons they become Millionaires. If you haven’t created the wealth you desire, it can seem the Wealthy are privy to secrets you aren’t. The biggest secret is – you probably KNOW some of these so-called secrets already! You now need to APPLY them in your life, instead of just knowing them and you too can create your own Millions.

1. CONTINUE LEARNING To become a Millionaire, you must first create a Millionaire Mindset. Many Millionaires believe that your greatest asset is your knowledge. Your thoughts shape your future - choose your thoughts wisely. To realise your full potential, you need to continually be learning, discovering and educating yourself. Invest in your greatest asset by reading books, listening to audios and attending seminars constantly. By continuing your education beyond formal school years you will achieve more in life than you ever imagined. For dozens of free prosperity resources visit

2. LIVE BELOW YOUR MEANS This may not be the hot tip you expected, but this secret will assist you toward Millionaire status no matter what your income. A quote from Bill Earle sums it up perfectly “If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall”. The typical Millionaire spends less than he earns, and invests the difference. Millionaires prefer to sacrifice high consumption today to achieve financial freedom tomorrow and for a lifetime.

3. BUILD A BUSINESS AROUND WHAT YOU LOVE Most of the richest people in the world own one or more businesses. To create true wealth, you must involve yourself in your own business – preferably doing something you love. Millionaires get that way because they do what they love. They love what they do so much that it rarely feels like work – they put their heart into it and the money just flows. This is where the money is – you will never get rich working for someone else. Find something you love, something you’re passionate about, create a business around what you love and watch the money flow to you.

4. BE PERSISTANT On your way to creating your own millions, you will definitely face some minor and major obstacles. The secret is to overcome these obstacles and move on. Do not give up - be persistent. True long-term wealth is achieved only by striding over, under and through the obstacles along your path to riches. “The road to success leads through the valley of humility, down the path of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As yet, no short cut has been discovered”

5. LEVERAGE YOUR TIME AND MONEY Millionaires do not have the time nor the inclination to do everything themselves and when it comes to making millions they don’t just use their own money. If you want to be a Millionaire you have to know how to leverage. Millionaires hire the right people to do far more than they possibly could themselves. And they utilise other people’s money to invest in income-producing assets.

6. INVEST IN REAL ESTATE ”One thing the Rich uniformly have in common is that almost without exception – the Rich either made their Wealth in Real Estate or they keep their Wealth in Real Estate” stated world famous Real Estate Investor, Dr. Dolf de Roos. It’s never too late to begin your Real Estate Investing career – with the right education and support you will be able to create long term secure wealth to pass onto future generations. Real Estate investing is one of the best-known ways to create millions – even if you have NO money to begin with!

7. GIVE BACK Many Millionaires are generous with their time and money in helping others. This wasn’t something they began after they became rich, they were givers before, during and after they made their millions. In fact many Millionaires even have their own foundations. They donate a percentage of their wealth to a cause they believe in. The more you give, the more you will receive. Don’t hoard your wealth, share it with others and watch it multiply.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Millionaires dream big, create a strong desire to achieve those dreams and then take consistent action to see their dreams come true. Follow these guidelines and you too can be on the way to your first Million!

Authors Details: Sandy Forster, author of the International Bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST
You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than yesterday.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

3 Astonishing Facts About Fast, Easy Money

For centuries money has been the pre-dominant focus of human activity. Before money came along humans bartered, but the concept of excess wealth, of being a millionaire is a new addition to our worldly pre-occupations. As far as millionaire knowledge is concerned we are all merely infants in the grand scheme of things and its this activity, this vast need to have enough money that will mature and refine to a point when everyone will know how to get their entitlement, their share. But why wait for this to happen? The source of entrepreneurial flair is creativity. Making something from nothing. Creating or uncovering value that didn't exist before. There's three things you should know about becoming wealthy quickly. Here they are.

1) Wealth is a numerical concept designed to assist in the trading of value. It sounds obvious but its your understanding of its nature that can help you see clearly. $1 million dollars is not made up of a single fat bill with a million printed on it. Its numerical and has a lowest common denominator. A cent. 1 billion cents is 1 million dollars. If you know how to get your hands on a single cent, then there in your capacity, you have the seed to make 1 billion cents. A cent is easy to get, so your work is immediately leveraged. Even $10 is an elementary amount of profit to achieve so your work of getting 1 billion cents, now becomes a matter of getting 100,000 ten dollar bills.

Its not how much you can get your hands on that really matters. Whats important is how you got that quantity of numerical value, money. If you got it by working in your job for a single hour, then the prospects of time diminishes your possibilities of using leverage to make that million fast. Lets face it, that's what we all require. Speed is important because time is short and life is for living after all once the capital is safely in the bank.

The source of entrepreneurial creativity is creation. Worked for money, money that has been assigned and credited to you for carrying out specified tasks on an hourly time scale, namely as you would typically find in a job situation is absent of money "creation" You are far removed from the source of money creation. Your creation is fixed by an outside source, an agreement. The agreement you made with your employer. Opportunity is very scarce in these circumstances.

So, if you can learn or craft an excellent idea where you can make even a single cent under the power of your own independent creativity, there in that activity has the potential to create $1 million dollars. I would rather work and focus my activities to make a single cent, then to labour under the burden of an hourly wage, simply because the security given is false. You have abandoned the possibility for creation for security. A dead end.

2) If you reflect on nature, you can literally see the secret power of leverage and the implications to your entrepreneurial goal. Nature creates abundance through creativity from literally nothing. On a microscopic level, everything that duplicates and repeats itself does so in the very first instance from a small embryo. Whether its animals humans or plants, the world of nature is about componential volume. A single component, a lowest common denominator repeated on a massive scale. As an entrepreneur your job is to find your own individual component. Your own embryo of value that you can work to play god by reproducing its properties on a grand scale. Repetition and leverage go hand in hand in the million dollar quest. This concept can deliver very rapid results indeed.

3) But before we even consider reproducing an increment of value that will grow into a million dollar fortune we want something else. We need the leverage of organic growth. Just like in nature, an embryo is the source of the creative process, however after that small systemized act of creation, nature go's on to the next creation. She does not labour with her last creation for the time of its natural life. The organism is endowed with its own capacity to grow and reproduce.

It is this quality that we want to endow with our little increment of value that will be reproduced. We want that because as entrepreneurs, we create, we don't work. A creation must find its own legs, just like living organisms do. There is only one way to do that with money. Since money is a man made structure invented to assist in the trading of value, your increment of value will need to be endowed with a capacity to reproduce on its own in a certain fashion relevant to money and human needs.

Its that last item, "human needs" that is most important. The natural forces of supply and demand have an intrinsic role in nature. What is not required dies off. What is required is plentiful and dominates an environment. So your originating creation of value that must be reproduced and duplicated, must have a value of reasonable demand. People must seek it out. They must want it and takes steps to get it beyond your own activities.

Why is it that money is so scarce for so many people on Earth?

Why are there so many poor people on Earth if money is most required by so many? If the law of supply and demand dictates that a commodity will find a level based on these two factors, then why are so many millions lacking money they need. The demand is huge. In some cases its a matter of life and death! (For example a person needing an expensive operation) Yet this lack still exists, contrary to how nature functions.

This last statement should inspire you exponentially. If you think about how the world has changed since the last century you will note how completely "blind" humans were for example in the 1900's to the demand of fellow humans. We have come such a long way. There are products and services developed today that are so diverse and so completely astounding in their numbers that when we look at the past, our capacity to meet demand was simply ancient.

What many people wanting their first million fail to realize is that we haven't even scratched the surface of demand and how to meet our fellow humans needs. If commerce continues at the rate it is going now, in 50 years even the diverse and rich supply of products and services will look exponentially pre-historic. In other words, the opportunities are shockingly available. Meaning a million dollars in as little as mere months is completely within your grasp.

Authors Details: Martin Thomas
This just in: God thinks you are *kinda* awesome.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Remember, it's not how you start; it's how you finish!
How did someone beat me to patenting 'Godly Powers'????
The world is not against you; only *you* can be against you.
Turn your heart and mind into friends, and you can do anything!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Do you believe in the Ten Commandments?
Which ones?
Which Ten Commandments; or, What Jesus taught in secret
If you want people to love you: make them feel better about *themselves*.
Imagine everyone is saying "here I am, make me feel important"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The 5 Least Romantic Keys to a Happy Relationship

Read more: The 5 Least Romantic Keys to a Happy Relationship |
Remember: words lie, but actions tell the truth!
It doesn't matter what they say, it matter what they *do*!
And it matter what you do, too!
Rise UP with B Dave Walters starts at 1 am PST/8 am GMT
Tonight: God, love and Relationships
Listen live at

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You can't make everyone happy, so focus on making YOURSELF happy.
Who cares if everyone approves but you are miserable? Follow your bliss!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The five most common regrets of dying people...don't let this happen to you!
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
-Mahatma Gandhi
(Does this sound like you?)

Sunday, June 5, 2011
An UNBELIEVABLE view of the trip from here to Saturn!


"When we meditate, things from the past come up, and we have to work with them. We may remember times when we treated others horribly--hurting their feelings, deceiving them, repaying their kindness with spite, manipulating them, cheating them. While regret for these actions is appropriate and necessary to purify these karmas, we often fall into guilt and shame instead. Guilt and shame are obstacles to overcome on the path, because they keep us trapped in our self-centered melodrama entitled "How Bad I Am." Regret, on the other hand, realizes that we erred, leads us to purify, and motivates us to refrain from acting like that in the future.
How do we counteract guilt and shame? One way is to recognize that the person who did that action no longer exists. You are different now. Is the person who did that action five years ago the same person you are now? If she were exactly the same person, you would still be doing the same action. The present "you" exists in a continuum from that person, but is not exactly the same as her. Look back at the person you were with compassion. You can understand the suffering and confusion she was experiencing that made her act in that way."
From Cultivating a Compassionate Heart: The Yoga Method of Chenrezig by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron

ANTIDOTE 1 - Reflect on responsibility. Often it may prove it is/was not my responsibility or fault! Blaming oneself for everything negative that happens is a form of ignorance and self-centredness. Obviously, if I am careless and intended to cause problems, then I should take my responsibility and see to it that I will not repeat this regrettable action. Instead, maybe I can do something to make up for it.

ANTIDOTE 2 - Reflect on motivation. An act done with a positive intention, especially without any self-interest is not negative, although other people may be harmed by it. The suffering experience of others is strictly spoken the result of their own actions (karma), and apparently I just happened to be part of the circumstances that could ripen their negative karma. However, we may have made some mistakes like wrong communication or insufficient attention or so. If this is the case, it should just be a reason to change our habits by improving our communication or mindfulness.

ANTIDOTE 3 - Changing or accepting. If you can change yourself or the situation, change it! If you can't change yourself or the situation for a good reason, accept it! Not acting where we can and could act can lead to frustration and guilt in the long run; just like acting where we actually cannot do anything.

ANTIDOTE 4 - Analyse the use of feeling guilty. For example: Imagine three people coming into a restaurant and ordering the same meal. One of them begins eating first, several minutes later the second begins his meal, and finally the third begins his. After the third person has eaten just a few bites, the first person clutches at his abdomen, crying out in pain; and the second begins to show signs of discomfort.
How does the third person react? Not with guilt, or self-condemnation. Instead, he naturally regrets he has eaten the same food as his two companions, but rather than dwelling on the past he moves rapidly to counter the effects of the poisonous food he has eaten. His remorse is constructive. It is based in the present; it is intelligently concerned with the future effects of his recent actions; and it leads to remedying the damage already done and to caution about repeating such an act.

ANTIDOTE 5 - Forgiving. Making mistakes is an inherent human quality: if you don't make mistakes you are definitely not a normal human being anymore. If we are unable to forgive ourselves, we will never be able to properly forgive others.

ANTIDOTE 6 - Reality check with others. If you can overcome your feelings of guilt and shame somewhat, try to discuss these matters with others and see if your reasons for feeling guilty are really valid.

ANTIDOTE 7 - Emptiness. As ultimate cure for all delusions, realising emptiness will also rid our mind of guilt. See the page on Wisdom.

Try to transform: the lack of self-confidence, ignorance and mental "paralysis"
with: repentence, purification, forgiving oneself, love and compassion for oneself, equanimity, openness, reality check with others and wisdom
into: positive action, fearlessness and self-confidence
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Decide what you want, make a plan, and get after it...nothing changes until you do!
You are great, and I love you!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Remember: no one can love you, and you can't love anyone else any more than you love yourself!
Love yourself *first*

Thursday, June 2, 2011

“It is not the weeds that drown the good seed, but the negligence of the peasant”.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

To talk improperly not only is to commit a fault in what it’s been said, but also it’s a kind of harm that is given to the Soul”.
Rise UP with B. Dave Walters Ep. 15 Success:
What it is, how to have it, and how to start cashing in on your passion!
15 min to show time!
Rise UP with B. Dave Walters starts at 1 am PST / 4 am EST / 8 am GMT!
Listen live at